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Scripting: How to Increase PHP Memory Limits

How to Increase PHP Memory Limits

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to CGI and Scripted Language Support.
  3. Click PHP Scripting.
  4. Your php.ini file is displayed in a text box at the bottom. Click Edit if you cannot edit the php.ini file text.
  5. Locate the following block of code within your php.ini file:
    ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
    ; http://php.net/memory-limit
    memory_limit = 32M
  6. Modify the highlighted value for memory_limit as desired (example: 35M, or 40M, or 45M).
  7. Click Save.

Important: Shared hosting accounts are limited to no more than 64M, even if the limit is set to be higher inside of the php.ini file. VPS or Dedicated hosting services can set the limit to match their RAM. To help your website run at maximum performance, it is optimal for the memory limit to be set as low as possible while still allowing your website to function.