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Roundcube: Introduction

Introduction To RoundCube's Interface

To access your roundcube webmail, please see this article.

Main Screen Primary Features

  1. View messages in any of your folders, and add additional folders whenever you want.
  2. Refresh to check and see if any new messages have arrived manually.
  3. Download and save messages, or mark them as a calendar event.
  4. View your current storage capacity.
  5. Sort and search through your messages using the search feature.
  6. Compose, write, and respond to messages with the click of a button.
Main Roundcube overview

Address Book Primary Features

  1. Create and organize contacts into contact groups.
  2. Customize the available fields for your contacts.
  3. Import and export contacts to a vsf file.
Roundcube address book

Calendar Page Primary Features

  1. Add, manage, and delete calendar events.
  2. Import or export calendar events.
  3. Search calendar events.
  4. Create multiple calendars and calendar views.
Roundcube calendar

Settings Primary Features

  1. Language and time zone options.
  2. Various display and browser options.
  3. Folder settings and view modes.
  4. Inbox options and clear trash on logout.
  5. Identity editor (allows you to create an email signature).
  6. Preset response builder (not autoresponder).
Roundcube settings

To get you started, Roundcube has prepared an online learning center to help you get the most out of its webmail. Roundcube has also developed an extensive online knowledgebase to help you understand specific features regarding its webmail and to help you know how to troubleshoot any issues you might experience.

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