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FTP: How to Connect Using File Manager

Step by Step Walkthrough (Upload)

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to File Manager.
  3. Navigate to the folder you want to upload into.
  4. Click Arrow image Upload.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. In the window that appears, select the file(s) you want to upload.
  7. Click Upload. Your file(s) will finish uploading within a few moments.

Step by Step Walkthrough (Download)

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to File Manager.
  3. Locate the file you want to download.
  4. For the file you want to download, click on the Arrow image Download button.

Why Does My Upload Time-Out After a While

File Manager is designed to handle smaller file uploads and will time out with larger file(s). If you estimate that it will take longer than 60 seconds to complete your entire upload, try one of the following solutions:

  • If you are uploading a large quantity of files, consider uploading only a portion of them at a time.
  • If you are uploading one very large file, try zipping it before uploading. Then, unzip the file after it is uploaded.
  • Try to find a way to break up the file into smaller pieces prior to uploading it.
  • If you are uploading pictures, consider reducing their storage sizeInfo icon.
  • Try installing an FTP Client to handle your upload. Even if you time-out during the upload, the FTP client will continue right where you left off.

List of Supported File Types

CategoryList of Allowed File Types
Audioaac, aif, aifc, aiff, flac, m3u, mid, midi, mpa, mp3, ra, ram, wav, wave, wma
Compressed Files7z, ace, bz, bz2, bzip, bzip2, gz, tar, rar, taz, tgz, zip
Flash Moviesfla, swf
Fontsfnt, fon, otf, ttf
HTML/CSScss, htm, html, shtm, shtml, xht, xhtml
Imagesbmp, dwf, gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, psp, svg, tif, tiff
MS Accessaccdb, accde, accdt, accdr, mdbInfo icon
MS Excelxlam, xls, xlt, xlsb, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm
MS Powerpointppam, ppt, pps, ppsx, pptx, pptm, pot, potm, potx
MS Worddoc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx
OpenOfficeodb, odc, odf, odg, odi, odm, odp, ods, odt, otc, otf, otg, oth, oti, otp, ots, ott
Textcsv, dat, ini, log, rtf, txt
ScriptsaspUser-added image, aspxUser-added image, cfm, cgi, inc, js, php, php3, php4, php5, phtm, phtml, pl, pm, py, sql
System Fileshtaccess, htpasswdUser-added image
Video3gp, asf, avi, mpg, mpeg, mov, mp4, qt, rm, wmv
XMLxml, xsl, xslt

Can I Use Special Characters In Folder or File Names

Both your website and File Manager will work best if you limit your characters to the following types:

Allowed Character TypeFolder Name ExampleFile Name Example
Spacesmy websitepage 1.html

Minimum Requirements to Run File Manager

Adobe Flash version is required to run File Manager.

  • See what version of Flash you currently have installed by clicking here.
  • To upgrade to the latest version of Flash click here.